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Foto's en verslagen

Geplaatst: 15-02-2012 11:33
door cedina67
Ziehier het verslag van Caroline haar 2de concert in Sydney. Ze had net als gisterenavond ook weer een M&G.


The second show was soooooooo much better than the first, and the first had been terrific! I went to the M&G again, and only 18 people! I went last in the queue and got plenty of time with the guys! It was fantastic! The fact that I walked in and they all went "oooooooooh" made me laugh... yes I am the woman in the front that sings all the songs. Good to see you know who I am, Carlos... I know you will read ;) this Seb is so sweet, asking about my children, and David... I love you! So handsome in the earrings, he doesn't like M&Gs but he was lovely tonight.

I saw Urs a few hours before the show with Tania, out on their way to the beautiful restaurants along the water's edge at Circular Quay, and then got to see him again so soon! Tania is so lovely, Urs is a lucky man.

The show was fantastic, Seb is such a sweetheart. I suggested to them I wouldn't sing tonight, but I did, so during My Way he held the microphone down to me to sing "too few to mention" which was awesome!

Carlos was much more animated tonight than last night, seemed to really enjoy himself and sounded amazing of course. David was perfect as always, and he was with me at the end of TTSG and I got to thank him for the show which got a very happy "you're very welcome" in return.

Seb has earpiece problems all night again and at times actually looked like he was in pain but pushed through. I hope you are okay, Seb... Sebastien was amazing and really funny tonight, and got DCFMA perfect and he was proud, that was his first time he got it right on tour. I gave him a thumbs up after his part and he laughed at me and nodded.

Seb was trying to tell jokes and David was snoring very loudly into the microphone. Again we got some 'wheels on the bus' and some Wiggles sung to us by the guys. Crying had its huge ending and its amazing, even better than last night.

PTQME got a huge applause tonight, and standing ovation. I jumped up after many songs even if I was the only one, I don't care! I did take my Spanish flag for the ending as many suggested to me The latin medley was great and I didn't have to dance alone this time! Seb was really into it, twice now I got to dance with him, he is good!

I am going to put a link here for my photos when I have uploaded them, I got soooo many good ones tonight! Posting them here is hard, so I will link you through to my website.

I am high on Divo happiness so I have probably forgotten a million things, so I will be back if/when I come down off the Divo cloud. But for now I have to pack and leave Sydney behind, as do our fine gentlemen!

If you do a M&G say hi to Ivan who runs them, he is a fabulous guy and so helpful when you want extra time with the guys :wink:

Geplaatst: 15-02-2012 15:23
door Davids Diva Ans
Thankssssssss Caroline to share your Il Divo moments with us
Now we know what to do when we have our M&G :kiss:
Hope to see your Pickture's soon,
Big :kiss: Diva Ans

Geplaatst: 15-02-2012 18:46
door cedina67
Omdat er heel wat foto's zijn zal ik de link naar haar pagina met foto's plaatsen.
Momenteel is ze op de terugweg naar Nieuw-Zeeland en zal ze daarna nog meer foto's toevoegen. Dus kom gerust nog eens kijken om te zien of er nog foto's bijgekomen zijn.

Sydney 2012

Geplaatst: 16-02-2012 17:37
door cedina67
Een paar filmpjes

My Way


Senza Parole

Geplaatst: 16-02-2012 23:39
door Disneydiva
Wow! Zij heeft wel het goed voor elkaar! 2x een m&g en zoveel matriaal van hun! ben best een beetje jaloers.

Geplaatst: 17-02-2012 09:35
door Serra
Wowwww, dit is één van de beste verslagen die ik ooit heb gelezen van iemand!
Het is zo duidelijk en ze maakt het heel realistisch voor ons omdat ze zoveel details vertelt!
De liedjes kijk ik expres niet, ik wil overvallen worden door het geluid eenmaal wanneer ik daar ben.
Anders ga je die liedjes honderd keer luisteren en is het eigenlijk allemaal alweer 'oude koek' als je naar dat concert gaat, alleen zit je er nu dan zelf bij ;)

De enige die ik vanavond even ga kijken is Wheels on the bus LOL!

Geplaatst: 20-02-2012 11:06
door cedina67
Een heel mooi verslag van Jacqueline Reidpath

Verslag Deel 1

Geplaatst: 13-03-2012 18:02
door klaproos
Misschien staat dit al ergens anders, mijn excuses dan: